How to produce and shoot a Music Video.
How to produce and shoot a Music Video.
How to produce and shoot a Music Video.
Nowadays, video sites such as YouTube and Facebook are great ways to promote yourself as an artist. Creating a Music Video can help with exposure, and is a cost-effective way to market your brand.
There is common misconception that a Music Video can cost a fortune, but with today’s resources, most people can make it themselves. But for those wanting production of a grander scale, there are companies that can produce quality media within set budgets. Global Filmz Productionz is one of the largest Video Production companies and primarily works out of Miami and South Florida, where the demand for Video Production is the highest in the United States.
So, you decided on doing this yourself or going
with an expert production company…..what next?
First step, choosing the song. This is most important if this is your first Music Video. Putting your best foot forward and selecting what you feel is your best work and gives you the greatest chance for wide market success is one of the most important and overlooked step of the production!
Next, you’ll have to set the date for your production and get your team and all equipment needed together. Hopefully, if you chose to do this yourself, you’re prepared to have some high-end cameras and are prepared to work multiple positions such as Cameraman, Lighting (which is everything, as the old adage says), and Director. Did we mention there are companies that do this?
Once you have your production date set, it is time to develop the Treatment Plan. Storyboarding, Shot Lists, Synopsis, and Scheduling all make up the Treatment Plan. Each scene and shot is extremely important, as it will guide most of the production. Listing off all crew and props needed for each shot is also helpful for the shoot to run smoothly. The synopsis is great to have everyone on the same page as far as the vision for the project. Scheduling is the most important part of the Treatment plan. The Schedule provides the Call Times, which determines who needs to meet, where they need to meet, and when they need to meet. This is important for Hair and Make-up, Choreography and Dance, Set Design, Wardrobe, Prop-Masters, Art Directors, etc.
Now that the Treatment Plan is complete, you can utilize the plan to finally begin shooting! The
Director will be the most important part of this. They are essentially, the manager of this shoot. They “Shoot to Edit,” which makes sure that the shots are achieved for editing and oversee the flow of the production.
After you’ve filmed all of the scenes, you can begin editing and put together the finished video in Post-Production. This is all of the final necessary edits and touches that go into the video before it is ready for distribution. The editing process can be extremely intricate, which is why there are Video Editors whose primary function is to know how to use editing software and creating the final video to use.
The final step in the Music Video process is Distribution. Who is going to see this and how are they going to see it? There are social media platforms and other low-cost options, but keep in mind, Production Companies could be a great resource for the Distribution process.
To summarize, making a Music Video is a challenging, but exciting and rewarding experience. It is possible to accomplish yourself, but considering how important sharing your song/video is, you may want to hire a production company to assist with resources, Treatments, Filming, Post-Production, Editing, and Distribution.
Good luck!